20 February 2008

These Models are not Anorexic

There are plenty of sources, that use these photos to warn of the dangers of Anorexia:


However, as it turns out, the above pictures are Photoshopped, to look worse than they actually are. Here are the real, unphotoshopped versions:

Real V.S Fake pictures


Most "regualar people"* seem to blur the line between Anorexic and "skinny" which annoys me, so I'm here to set the record straight.

*(By "regular people" I mean the common generalists, uninformed, and usually unfamiliar with high fashion.)

I have seen "Reg.people" call a chubby girl thin, and a thin girl anorexic.
(I think this might be because so many Americans are quite fat, when they see a girl who is chubby, they think she's thin.)

People should know by now(like me) that anorexia dosen't sell, but Skinny does.
I personally think Skinny is beautiful and, YES, that Anorexia is ugly.


  1. thank you! i am glad to know that someone else feels the same way as me!

  2. Why can't chubby be beautiful too?

  3. These fake photos show up on YouTube anti anorexia videos. Skinny women are extremely rare these days. The nasty jealous women of the old fat acceptance movement trash skinny women all the time. I am Fat Bastard of bigger fatter blog and like all other fat people I am a glutton.

  4. Anonymous29 June, 2009

    I think that the fatties across the world are just jealous. I think that skinny is beautiful, and that obesity is more of an eating disorder to worry about, then anorexia. how many people are dying of heart attacks, and have a lot of health problems because they're too large? millions...a huge number compared to the small amount of people who are dying because they're too skinny. America has a distorted view of how a body should look...blame McDonalds, not fashion.

  5. Anonymous16 May, 2010

    Big is beautiful. There is actually a percentage of people across the world who, no matter how hard they try, will always be obese. It's in their genes, but it doesn't mean their unhealthy. No need to put them down just because you think "skinny is beautiful."

  6. Anonymous29 June, 2010

    we just need to teach people not to be sheep.. simple

  7. Thank you for those pictures, google search never shows up with that on the first page! That's sad. And I was looking for someone who agrees being skinny is not always being Anorexic. And THAT skinny is marasmus. No one would let them model

  8. i don't think that beauty comes from the way you look. instead of how you feel about yourself. the only reason why girls go anorexic is cause they feel unloved. the only reason why anyone would want to look bony is to look as 'models' because everyone looks at them. it's amazing how many girls kill themselves slowly for a little attention. and skinny doesn't make you pretty or attractive instead it's the way you love yourself.

  9. You don't have to be skinny to be beautiful!!
    And, Yes Anorexia Is ugly. But Just because you have a bit more weight than the "skinny" people doesn't mean your stupid or ugly either.

  10. umm the people that are obese geneticlly can still do something about it..ever heard of walking once in a while work out for a change beauty comes from inside is just what fat people say to make themselves feel better excersising does help you feel better and makes you healthier and healthier people are more beutiful

  11. To the Stupid idiot who said people who are obese are just jealous and that more people die of heart attacks then from Anorexia i would like to point out that that is how a lot of Anorexic People die , From Heart Failure due to their body shutting down because it is so starved.

  12. These women are skinny, and yes they are not skeletons as the photoshopped versions show, but it does not mean that they are not anorexic, that would depend on their genetics and actual body types. I am an insane health nut, who has been trying to make my body look like these women's bodies look for YEARS, i've done research on the way that models eat, I constantly work out, I've taken countless supplements and have been able to lose maybe ten lbs in the process, my mother looked like these women do, but in oder to look even this thin my mother didn't eat, she was actually diagnosed with anorexia but didn't start to look like a skeleton until AFTER serious damage was done to her body. I've struggled with my body image now for a while, and talked to several doctors about trying get myself to look this slim and beautiful and they told me that it's not my body type and that for me to look like this would be unhealthy. It's not that everyone who is skinny is unhealthy, but it's also not true that people that don't look this slim have any choice. Genetics play a HUGE roll and just because you do not look like a model, it does not make you "obese" or even "chubby" no matter how hard i try, even if i stopped eating, i would have to DESTROY my body to look like these women regardless of how much I walk or how healthy I eat. However, telling someone who doesn't take care of their body that it's okay to be fat, is just as unhealthy as telling people that they have to look like these women do in order to be beautiful. A specific shape is not what people should aspire to, they should aspire to health. plain and simple.

  13. These women are skinny, and yes they are not skeletons as the photoshopped versions show, but it does not mean that they are not anorexic, that would depend on their genetics and actual body types. I am an insane health nut, who has been trying to make my body look like these women's bodies look for YEARS, i've done research on the way that models eat, I constantly work out, I've taken countless supplements and have been able to lose maybe ten lbs in the process, my mother looked like these women do, but in oder to look even this thin my mother didn't eat, she was actually diagnosed with anorexia but didn't start to look like a skeleton until AFTER serious damage was done to her body. I've struggled with my body image now for a while, and talked to several doctors about trying get myself to look this slim and beautiful and they told me that it's not my body type and that for me to look like this would be unhealthy. It's not that everyone who is skinny is unhealthy, but it's also not true that people that don't look this slim have any choice. Genetics play a HUGE roll and just because you do not look like a model, it does not make you "obese" or even "chubby" no matter how hard i try, even if i stopped eating, i would have to DESTROY my body to look like these women regardless of how much I walk or how healthy I eat. However, telling someone who doesn't take care of their body that it's okay to be fat, is just as unhealthy as telling people that they have to look like these women do in order to be beautiful. A specific shape is not what people should aspire to, they should aspire to health. plain and simple.

  14. Anonymous07 June, 2012

    Thank god I'm not the only one!

    I also want to say that calling someone anorexic is an actual INSULT, calling someone skinny is fine. Also, saying that skinny is ugly to stop 'chubby' people from dieting isn't the right thing to do, it is an INSULT. Don't talk/judge/worry about weight until it could influence your health.


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