24 February 2008

Excess, Fat, & The American Dream

*****As you may know, I do live in America, but I am not all for the "American Dream".
Millions of Americans spend their lives semi-conscious, unable to awaken from the darker version of the American Dream – an endless parade of office buildings, meetings, McDonalds and television commercials.

Instead of pursuing purpose, it's material things: plasma televisions, new cars, and granite countertops. Working at hated jobs only to buy things that are not needed. Always wanting more material things even after achieving a comfortable lifestyle.
The Fat American
(which I love to hate)

*****Every person throughout history has had to consume to survive, but to consume more than one needs, has traditionally been considered vulgar. Beyond a certain point, possessions, and food do not increase happiness. Of course, it is better that we should live in a land of plenty than in shacks; abundance is good. Excess (not abundance) is not so great, since "excess" (in a sense) voids purpose. Sometimes I think the New American dream is: "excess is barely enough" <<this is what I've come to think

Typical Americans:

"A lawsuit by a group of American teenagers who claim the fast food chain McDonald's is responsible for their obesity". < < Is it the place of the law to protect them against their own excesses?

"The lawsuit, filed by lawyer Samuel Hirsch in a Manhattan federal court, alleges McDonald's violated New York state's consumer fraud statutes by deliberately misleading consumers into thinking their products were healthy and nutritious." < < Well really, how naive can you be? Especially when you see and hear about a million others becoming fat? This makes me sick.

"They developed health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity from eating its products.
Most of the teenagers lived on a daily diet of burgers and fries from the restaurant."

^^^Americans are continuing to become obese, and pictures like these show where the problems are.
I can be lazy, but there is a threshold of laziness that I will not even allow myself to reach. The above pictures shatter the allowable threshold of laziness.

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