25 October 2008

Avoid Flu Shots

The AMA is recommending that you should get a flu shot.

But, who would risk getting Alzheimer's disease, a weaker immune system, a possible allergic reaction and the unknown consequences of having Mercury and Aluminum injected into your veins?

The CDC’s 15-member Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) makes recommendations each year on who should be vaccinated. Almost all the ACIP members who make these recommendations have financial ties to the vaccine industry. The CDC( Center for Disease Control and Prevention) therefore must grant each member a conflict-of-interest waiver.

>>>First, Lets see how effective Flu Shots are:

Randomized controlled trials are the most reliable way to determine the efficacy – and safety – of a given treatment.

In one widely quoted study, Flu shots reduced the absolute risk of contracting influenza by a meager 1% (not 50%, as the "relative risk" portrays it). In actuality, for every 100 people that have a flu shot only one will benefit from it – this, in medical parlance, is the "number needed to treat" (NNT) in order to achieve any benefit from the treatment. A flu shot provides no benefit for the other 99 people – 2 of them will get influenza anyway – and all 100 risk being harmed by the vaccine.

Two-thirds of the vaccines made for the 2008–09 flu season, 100 million of them, contain full-dose thimerosal, an organomercury compound, which is 49% mercury by weight. It is used to disinfect the vaccine. Each one of these 100 million flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury, a mercury content that is 50,000 part per billion, 250 times more than the Environmental Protection Agency’s safety limit. Mercury is a neurotoxin, which has a toxicity level 1,000 times that of lead.

>>>Next, Lets see what some risks/side effects could be: (hint: they can be pretty bad!)

(1) There is some evidence that flu shots cause Alzheimer’s disease. This most likely is a result of combining mercury with aluminum and formaldehyde, which renders them much more toxic together through a synergistic effect than each would be alone.

(2)Mercury in vaccines has also been implicated as a cause of autism. Vaccine makers have now removed thimerosal from all childhood vaccines, except flu shots.

Some other acknowledged adverse reactions to the flu vaccine are (3)joint inflammation and arthritis, (4)anaphylactic shock (and other life-threatening allergic reactions), and (5)Guillain-Barré syndrome. Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a paralytic autoimmune disease that fells people several weeks after their flu shot.

One woman with post-vaccination GBS writes:

"I had a flu shot in November, and by December I became weak and continued to get weaker until I collapsed and was taken to the hospital… I was helpless, totally paralyzed with Guillain-Barré syndrome… I was in ICU for three weeks and then transferred to a rehabilitation center. Three months later I was released to come home because I could ambulate approximately 100 feet with a walker. I continued rehabilitation as an outpatient for the next three months until I could walk with hand crutches. Today, I need a cane. I was not forewarned of any possible hazard when they gave me the flu shot."

Another woman, diagnosed with GBS after a flu shot, spent 16 months in the hospital paralyzed on a ventilator and life support. After several subsequent multi-month hospitalizations she writes:
"On my last visit to my neurologist I was able to walk about 6 feet holding his hand, not much but it took years to be able to do that. I scratch my head when I hear them promoting flu shots… Most people that I come into contact with – in the hospital and out (nurses, doctors, and regular people) – after hearing my story, feel that it is better to chance the flu and not get the shot." (These statements are in Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners: Guide to Immunizations Risks and Protection by Neil Miller [no relation], pages 84–86.)

The package inserts that come with the flu vaccine note that GBS is a potential complication. There are 1 to 2 cases of GBS per 1 million vaccinated persons. (There were 10 times that many cases of GBS in 1976 with the flu vaccine used that year). Taking a flu shot is essentially the same as buying a lottery ticket for acquiring Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Would you risk being one of the 2 cases?

It's almost always a secondary bacterial infection that invades the airways which have been compromised by the virus.

18 October 2008

Star Shower

The star sower monument in Kaunas, Lithuania. In the daytime this monument doesn’t make any sense, but when night comes down to the city….

16 October 2008

"FAiL" Humor

Herds of Milk-Producing Cows Are Rife With Bovine Leukemia Virus

Bovine leukemia virus is a cancer-causing microbe in cattle.
Just how many cows have it?
The US Department ofAgriculture reports that nationwide, 89 percent of herdscontain cows with BLV. The most infected region is theSoutheast, where 99 percent of herds have the tumor-causingbug. In some herds across the country, almost every singleanimal is infected. A 1980 study across Canada uncovered alower but none-too-reassuring rate of 40 percent.
BLV is transmitted through milk. Since the milk from allcows in a herd is mixed before processing, if even a singlecow is infected, all milk from that herd will have BLVswimming in it. Citing an article in Science, oncologistRobert Kradjian, MD, warns that 90 to 95 percent of milkstarts out tainted. Of course, pasteurization — when done the right way — kills BLV, but theprocess isn't perfect. And if you drink raw milk, odds are you're gulping down bovine leukemiavirus.Between dairy cows and their cousins that are used for meat (who tend to be infected at lowerrates), it appears that a whole lot of BLV is getting inside us.

A 2001 study in Breast CancerResearch detected antibodies to the bovine leukemia virus in blood samples from 77 out of 100volunteers. Furthermore, BLV showed up more often in breast tissue from women with breastcancer than in the tissue from healthy women. Several medical studies have found positivecorrelations between higher intake of milk/beef and increased incidence of leukemia orlymphoma in humans, although other studies haven't found a correlation. No hard evidence has yet linked BLV to diseases in humans, but do you feel comfortable knowing that cow cancer cells are in your body?

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